University of Zaragoza, Spain Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania University of Münster, Germany University of Lapland, Finland University of La Laguna, Spain Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal University of Vaasa, Finland Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey FASE@net Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil


LEFIS Network Newsletter - Issue No 70, November 2014

Welcome to the 70th edition of the Newsletter of the LEFIS Network


    In this issue:




  • XV JORNADAS ACADÉMICAS DEL INSTITUTO DE DERECHO INFORMÁTICO. Facultad de Derecho - Universidad de la Republica. En Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Carlos E. Delpiazzo. “APERTURA DE DATOS: DESAFÍO JURÍDICO PARA LA SOCIEDAD DE LA INFORMACIÓN”. FECHA: 4 de noviembre de 2014. LUGAR: Anfiteatro del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Colonia Nº 1206 esq. Cuareim. Montevideo. Uruguay.
  • KnowRight2014. Internationalen Konferenz über die Interaktion von Wissensrechten, Datenschutz und Kommunikation. 12-13 November 2014, Vienna.
  • LAPSI 2.0 Conference. 28 November 2014, Brussels (Belgium).



  • The next IRIS will take place from Thursday, 26 to Saturday, 28 February 2015, with the leading topic Co-operation. Further information can be found at the conference website. Deadline for contributions, e.g. short abstracts (author, affiliation, title, about 300 words): 31 October 2014.
  • Jusletter IT. On 11 December 2014 the next issue of Jusletter IT will be published. There will be no general topic for the above mentioned issue, in other words all articles on the topic of IT and law are warmly welcomed. All submitted contributions will be sent to the editorial department, which decides on the publication. The deadline for the December issue is on 3 November 2014.
  • 2nd International Workshop “Network Analysis in Law” in conjunction with JURIX 2014: The 27th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems 10-12 December 2014, Krakow, Poland. Call for papers: deadline November 10th 2014.
  • 15th International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL 2015) in San Diego, California, USA, June 8-12, 2015. University of San Diego School of Law. Deadline: December 5, 2014.
  • eDEM15. The international Conference for e-Democracy and Open Government brings together e-democracy, e-participation and open government specialists working in academia, politics, government and business to critically analyse the innovations, issues, ideas and challenges in the networked societies of the digital age. Conference place: 20-22 May 2015, Danube University Krems, Austria. Call for Papers: Deadline for Submission 8 Dec 2014.
  • El V Congreso de la Red CIIDDI tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Santa María – Brasil. Del 27 al 29 de Mayo de 2015, junto al 3º Congresso Internacional de Direito e Contemporaneidade: mídias e direitos da sociedade em rede – 2015. O prazo para envio de trabajos é de 15 de fevereiro a 15 de março de 2015.




Faculty of Law C/ Cerbuna 12; 50009 Zaragoza (Spain) Phone: +34976761455 Fax: +34976761499 Contact: Fernando Galindo:
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